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XTM Cloud 13.9

Reviewing Projects

Select the Projects >Project list tab to display a list of all your current projects. You can view other projects by using the features in the Advanced search and Simple Search tab. You can sort the projects by selecting any of the column headers.

Hover over the info icon tooltip_icon.png in the right-hand column to display additional information about the project. The contents depend on the configuration and are customizable.

Select the context menu icon ellipsis_vertical_context_menu_brand_refreshed.svg in the left-hand column to display a menu. Select the options in it to view and manage the project. You can select one of the following options for the relevant project:

  • chart_pie_outline_brand_refreshed.svg Show metrics – jump to the Project Editor > Metrics tab.

  • chart_black_outline_brand_refreshed.svg Show statistics – jump to the Project Editor > Statistics tab, where you can view the translator statistics.

  • square-kanban-regular_brand_refreshed.svg Manage workflow – jump to the Project Editor > Workflow tab.

  • files_brand_refreshed.svg Manage files – jump to the Project Editor > Files tab, where you can generate and download different project files.

  • edit_black_outline_brand_refreshed.svg Open XTM Workbench – This menu option is only displayed in the case of active projects. Use it to open a particular project file in a particular target language, at a particular workflow step as a selected XTM Cloud user. You can open the project in read-only or edit mode.


    If you are running on XTM Cloud 13.5 or higher and have purchased a subscription with a specific word allowance (for details see Licensing), and open a project file in XTM Workbench in edit mode before starting the project, processed words for the relevant file will be deducted from your subscription word allowance.

    If you open a project file in in XTM Workbench in edit mode after the project has been started, the processed words for the relevant file will not be deducted again.

    Also, if you open the same project file in in XTM Workbench in edit mode again before the project has been started, the processed words for the relevant file will not be deducted again.

  • chat_icon__from_Project_list.svg Create chat – create a chat in the relevant project. For details, see XTM Query Management.

  • money-bill-regular.svg Show Estimates – jump to the Project Editor > Estimates tab.


    This option will be replaced by money-bill-regular.svg Show Costs if your XTM Cloud Administrator has selected the Disable proposals in project estimates setting (for details, see Cost settings).

  • money-bill-regular.svg Show Costs – jump to the Project Editor > Costs tab.


    This option will be displayed if your XTM Cloud Administrator has selected the Disable proposals in project estimates setting (for details, see Cost settings).

  • Info_icon_brand_refreshed.svg Show general (default) – jump to the Project Editor > General info tab.

  • gear_outline_brand_refreshed.svg Actions – select this menu option to carry out a variety of actions on the project:

    • Delete the project with any TM that you generated with the project.

    • Delete the project, leaving the TM in place.

    • Approve the TM even if the project has not been completed.

    • Archive the project. This removes it from the current list of projects, but it can be restored at a later date.

    • Reanalyze the project – recalculates the matching and metrics, but leaves the statistics and workflow allocations unchanged. Deletes target segment comments added in XTM Workbench. Deletes any generated offline files from the History.

    • Reopen the project.

    • Finish the project.

    • Accept leveraged & ICE segments. When you select this option, XTM Cloud will change the status of all segments with 100% leveraged matches and ICE matches to Completed.

    • Save the settings from this project as a template for use in future projects.

    • Report a problem you are experiencing with the project. Select this option to open the Support Portal in a new browser tab, where you can enter details about the problem and create a support ticket.

  • download_black_outline_brand_refreshed.svg Download – download the following reports in Excel format:

    • Extracted terms – This report displays a list of candidate terms that were automatically extracted from the source file during analysis. The column headers for the terms report are:

      • Source language.

      • Surface Forms – the form in which the term appears in the source text.

      • Frequency – the number of times the term appears in the source text.

      • Remarks.

      • Context – the context in which the term appears in the source text.

      • Target language – this is intentionally left blank so that a translator can enter a translation for a term before the terms are imported into the term manager.

    • Project history – This report displays a project history showing the time at which any action was taken on the project and who took the action. The column headers in the report are:

      • Date [in Western European Time, WET].

      • User ID.

      • User name.

      • LSP ID - used if the project was subcontracted.

      • LSP name - used if the project was subcontracted.

      • Job ID.

      • Project ID.

      • Project name.

      • Target language.

      • File name.

      • Action name.

      • Additional information.

    • Project delivery dates – This report is a summary of when each step in the workflow was finished, for each file in the project, and how that time compares to the due dates. The column headers in the report are:

      • ID – project ID.

      • Name – project name.

      • Customer.

      • Source Language.

      • Created – the date and time the project was created.

      • Due Date – the date and time the project was due

      • Finished – the date and time the project was finished. If the project is not finished, this will be indicated by “not finished”. Overdue items are marked red.

      • Target Language – the target languages can be expanded or collapsed using the little + in the left-hand column of the spreadsheet.

      • File – the files for each target languages can be expanded or collapsed using the little + in the left-hand column of the spreadsheet.

      • Step1, 2, 3, etc. – for each step in the workflow, and for each target language, the report shows the due date time and the finished date time. Overdue items are shown in red.

    • LQA report – This report evaluates an entire project. The calculations in this report type are based on the project Metrics. This report lists all errors that occurred in all target languages and all project files in all workflow steps in which the Project Manager has selected one of the following options for the LQA parameter, in the Workflow editor:

      • Yes, save result in user record.

      • Yes, don’t save result in user record.

      Both evaluated and LQA steps need to be finished in XTM Workbench and all relevant segments must be set to Completed green-tick.svg for the report to be generated. Additionally, Linguists must stay assigned to both evaluated and LQA steps even after the LQA step has been finished.

      This report displays the following information for the entire project:

      • Severity multipliers.

      • Word count.

      • Issue types.

      • Weight of the LQA errors.

      • Issue counts.

      • Penalty.

      • Target subscore.

      • Total score.

      It also displays separate tabs for each target language.