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XTM Cloud 13.9

Project QA profile parameters

In the Project QA profile popup, you can customize the QA profile selected for the relevant project. To do so, select or deselect the relevant QA checks and then select the Apply to this project button, at the bottom of the popup. These QA checks are:


  • Missing or incorrectly formatted number.

  • Numbers inside words.

  • Extra number in target text.


  • Missing space after punctuation marks.

  • Multiple punctuation marks in a sentence.

  • Multiple spaces in a sentence.

  • Spaces before punctuation marks.

  • No spaces before punctuation marks required for French (Switzerland).

  • Spaces around inline tags.

  • Spaces around double byte characters.

  • Trailing tabs or spaces at the beginning or end of a sentence.

  • Uneven number of opening and closing brackets.


  • Check non-translatable text in curly brackets.

  • Forbidden characters.

  • Identical source and target.

  • Repeated words.

  • Spelling errors.

  • Check grammar and style.

  • Translations below quality threshold – This QA check is in Beta. It is AI-driven and based on XTM's proprietary NLP framework. This check is supported for all variants of these languages. The NLP mechanism compares the translation entered by a Linguist with an AI-driven translation. The default quality threshold is set by your XTM Cloud Administrator. To customize the threshold value, use the text field to the right of the Translations below quality threshold label. You can type in the relevant value or use the caret up and down icons caret-up-solid.svgcaret-down-solid_black.svg to set it. In XTM Workbench, a QA warning is triggered for every Linguist-translated segment whose quality is below the quality threshold. Linguists see the Translation Quality Evaluation score and up to three most important factors that influenced that score. When they correct the translation, the TQE score is recalculated. If the new translation meets the required threshold, the QA warning is no longer displayed. If the new translation is still below the threshold, updated suggestions about what should be improved are displayed.

  • Inappropriate language – This QA checks is in Beta. It is AI-driven and based on XTM's proprietary NLP framework. Accuracy can vary, so Linguists must review the flagged words in context. It is supported for all language variants of:

    • Chinese.

    • Dutch.

    • English.

    • French.

    • German.

    • Italian.

    • Japanese.

    • Portuguese.

    • Spanish.


  • Forbidden terms used.

  • Rejected terms used.

  • Translation of a term not found.

  • Translation of term does not exist in terminology.


  • Unedited fuzzy match.

  • Unedited fuzzy repetition.


  • Order of inline tags is changed or content is missing between inline tags in target segment.

Regular expressions:

  • Predefined QA checks – To enable them, select the checkbox(es) next to the relevant QA check(s):

    • Punctuation mismatch.

    • camelCase mismatch.

    • PascalCase mismatch.

    • UPPERCASE mismatch.

  • Custom QA checks – You can use regular expressions to set your own QA checks and identify pattern mismatches between the source and the target segments.


    This action requires some prior knowledge of Regular Expressions ("regex").

    To add a new QA check based on a regular expression:

    1. In the QA check name text field, enter a unique name.

    2. In the Regular expression text field, enter your regular expression.

    3. In the Matching type dropdown, select the relevant option:

      • Broad match: checks for a different number of pattern matches (source-target).

      • Phrase match: checks for missing/different string for pattern matches (source-target)

      • Exact match: additionally to Phrase match, checks the order strings (source-target)

    4. Select the Add QA check.

    Result: your QA check is displayed in the Regular expressions section and selected by default for the relevant QA profile. To deselect it, deselect the checkbox next to its name. To delete your QA check, hover over the relevant QA check and select the x icon close_X-mark_from-UX-team.svg on the right-hand side.