Project cost, metrics and assignment per step report
Use this report to see cost, metric, and assignment details per each workflow step in the selected project(s).
Business use case
This report is particularly recommended if you use machine translation and are measuring edit distance. This report gives you insights into project cost, scope and edit distance calculation, along with the vendor cost discounts based on edit distance.
Running the Project cost, metrics and assignment per step report.
This report is based on the project costs. If you have not generated them before, XTM Cloud will try to do so while running this report. If cost generation is NOT successful (the red error icon ), the relevant project will not be displayed in the report. If costs have been generated with warnings (the yellow warning icon ), by default these projects are excluded from the report. To change it, select the Include costs with warnings in Cost and metrics reports checkbox when running the relevant report.
In this report, all projects are displayed in one table. In it, each table row displays the data for one workflow step, in one target language, in one project. Information about all workflow step assignees is aggregated and displayed in one table column.
If the project cost equals zero, the relevant project row is displayed in the report.
If the project cost is more than zero, but the costs for some steps equal zero, the relevant step columns are displayed in the report.
If the project cost is more than zero, but the costs for some users equal zero, the relevant user rows are displayed in the report.
In the Project cost, metrics and assignment per step report, you see the following information about the selected projects:
Project ID.
Project name.
[Custom field names] - Custom fields can be created by your XTM Cloud Administrator (see Project custom fields).
Subject matter.
Created by.
Creation date.
Due date.
Workflow completion date.
Step cost.
Total project cost.
Total project cost (no edit distance) – This column is displayed instead of total project cost, when edit distance calculation has been enabled by your XTM Cloud Administrator (see Cost settings) and selected in the workflow definition options, or when you have enabled it at project workflow level. In it, you see the total project cost, without taking the EDC modifier into account.
Total project cost (based on edit distance) – This column is displayed when edit distance calculation has been enabled by your XTM Cloud Administrator (see Cost settings) and selected in the workflow definition options, or when you have enabled it at project workflow level. In it, you see the total project cost including the EDC modifier.
% of reduction based on edit distance – This column is displayed when edit distance calculation has been enabled by your XTM Cloud Administrator (see Cost settings) and selected in the workflow definition options, or when you have enabled it at project workflow level. In it, you see the percentage of cost reduction after taking the EDC modifier into account.
Project status.
Source language.
New source. – If the the relevant project(s) have the pre-processing step.
Target language.
Step Name.
Assignee – This column displays a summary of all Linguists and/or LSPs assigned to the relevant workflow step, in the relevant target language, in the relevant project.
Total word count.
ICE match.
Leveraged match.
95-99% fuzzy match.
85-94% fuzzy match.
75-84% fuzzy match.
95-99% fuzzy rep. match.
85-94% fuzzy rep. match.
75-84% fuzzy rep. match.
Machine translation.
No matching.
Time – This column is displayed, if your Administrator has enabled manual time tracking in your XTM Cloud instance.
Finish date.
Project cost warnings – This column is only displayed if you have selected the Include costs with warnings in Cost and metrics reports checkbox. It indicates whether costs have been generated correctly or with warnings. The values are:
Yes – If the cost has been generated with warnings. Costs generated with warnings are marked with the exclamation mark icon in Project Editor > Estimates > Costs.
No – If the cost has been generated correctly.