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XTM Cloud 13.9

Project – Files popup

To display the Project – Files popup, in the Tasks > Active tab screen, for the relevant task, select the context menu icon ellipsis_vertical_context_menu_brand_refreshed.svg. Then, from the dropdown, select copy_sharp_solid_brand_refreshed.svg Open File Manager.

To close the Project – Files popup, in the top right-hand side corner of the popup, select the close icon close_X-mark_from-UX-team.svg.

In the top left-hand side corner of the popup, you see the Target language dropdown. If you have been assigned to:

  • task(s) in a single target language, in the relevant project – the Target language dropdown is inactive.

  • task(s) in multiple target languages, in the relevant project – in the Target language dropdown, you see:

    • the relevant target language list: select one of the target languages to only generate, download and/or upload files for this particular target language.

    • the Choose option: select it to generate, download and/or upload files for all target languages that you are assigned to, in the relevant project.

At the top of the popup, above the top right-hand side corner of the table, you see the Reference material button. It is only active if your Project Manager has uploaded some reference material for the relevant project. You can also download reference material by selecting the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg in the Source table column, either in the All files row or the relevant project file rows. In XTM Workbench, you can download the reference material from the top navigation bar by selecting Preview > Reference material.

Generating, downloading and uploading project files

When all the steps in the workflow are completed, the target file is generated automatically. However, you can generate and download, or upload files manually, at any point during the translation process.

Table 92. Files action icons




Select this icon to generate the latest version of the file(s). The date and time on which each file was generated and information about the user who generated the file are saved.


This icon is only displayed if a file has been generated in the relevant table column. Select it to download the most recently generated file(s), in the:

  • All files table row – to download all source files in the relevant project that have been assigned to you.

  • relevant source file table row – to only download that file.


This icon is only displayed if a file has been generated in the relevant table column. Select it to display a popup containing detailed file generation and upload history. In this popup, you can select:

  • the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the relevant generated file.

  • the dustbin icon trash_can_red_brand_refreshed.svg to delete the relevant generated file.


Select this icon to upload a file. The date, time and the status of the upload and information about the user who uploaded the file are saved.


File formats that you are able to generate, download and/or upload in the Project > Files popup depend on the Linguists access rights. These can be set by your XTM Cloud Administrator at global level, or by your Product Manager at customer level or project level.

In the Project > Files popup screen, you can generate, download and upload various files. Depending on the table column, these are:

  • The Source column:

    • Select the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the relevant file(s):

      • Extracted terms – This option is only displayed in the All files table row, and only if you have the Terminologist role and your XTM Cloud Administrator has enabled terminology extraction (for details, see Terminology options). Select it to download a zipped Excel file containing term candidates marked blue, the frequency of their appearance in the project files, their surface form and their context.

      • Download source file(s) – Select it to download the source file(s).

      • Download reference material – This option is only active if your Project Manager uploaded a reference material for the relevant project. You can also download them by selecting the Reference material button at the top of the Project > Files popup, above the top right-hand side corner of the table. In XTM Workbench, you can download the reference material from the top navigation bar, by selecting Preview > Reference material.

  • The Target column:

    • Select the generate icon gear_outline_brand_refreshed.svg to generate the relevant file(s):

      • Generate target – Select it to generate the target file as it currently is. The target file is also generated automatically at the end of the workflow.

      • Generate target after step – Select it to generate the target file after a selected step in the workflow. The translation in the generated target will reflect the changes made in this specific step.

      • Match rate color-coded target – For the relevant source file(s), use it to generate the target file. In it, the text is color-coded according to the match rate. For details, see Generating color-coded target files.

      • XLIFF:doc status color-coded target – This option is displayed if your XTM Cloud Administrator has enabled the TIPP option (for details, see General system settings). Select it to generate, for the relevant source file(s), a target file. In it, the text is color-coded according to the XLIFF:doc status. For details, see Generating color-coded target files.

      • Unclean DOC – This option is only displayed for project target DOCX files, in the relevant table row(s). You cannot generate an unclean DOC file for all project files, in the All files table row. An unclean DOC file is a special bilingual target file that needs to be further processed in other software.

    • Select the upload icon cloud_arrow_up_purple_outline_brand_refreshed.svg to upload the relevant file(s). Once you select it, the Upload target file popup is displayed. Use it to browse in your documents and select the relevant file(s). If the upload:

      • has been successful, you see the warning icon QA_warning_gray.svg. When you hover over it, you see information that the target file(s) have been uploaded manually.

      • has failed, you see the error icon red_error__brand_refreshed.svg. Hover over it to display information about why the upload has been unsuccessful.

    • Select the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the most recently generated file(s). This icon is only displayed if some files have been generated.

    • Select the info icon blue_info_brand_refreshed.svg to display the Target file history popup. In it, you see the details for the most recently generated and uploaded target files. For each history entry, you can select:

      • the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the relevant file(s).

      • the dustbin icon trash_can_red_brand_refreshed.svg to delete the relevant file(s).

      • the error icon red_error__brand_refreshed.svg to display information about why the upload has been unsuccessful.

  • The Preview column:

    • Select the generate icon gear_outline_brand_refreshed.svg to generate the relevant file(s):

      • PDF:

        • Document – Select it to generate a WYSIWYG view of the latest version of the relevant target file(s), in PDF format.

        • Source/target table – Select it to generate a PDF file with a table containing source and target text columns. Each XTM Workbench segment is displayed in a separate table row. If a target segment has not yet been filled, the source text will be displayed in the relevant source cell.

        • Paragraph view – Select it to generate a table containing the segment numbers and the paragraph columns. In the paragraph column, the target text from the same paragraph is in one table cell. In the segment number column, you see which segments this text is displayed in, in XTM Workbench.

        • Extended table... – Select it to open the Extended PDF table options popup. In it, select the required extended table options for your PDF file. Then, in the bottom right-hand side corner of the popup, select the Generate button. Your PDF extended table is generated and is then ready to be downloaded.

        • Match rate color-coded document – Select it to generate, for the relevant source file(s), the PDF target file where the text has been color-coded according to the match rate. For details, see Generating color-coded target files.

        • Status color-coded document – This option is displayed if your XTM Cloud Administrator has selected the Enable TIPP option (for details, see General system settings). Select it to generate, for the relevant source file(s), a PDF target file in which the text has been color-coded according to the XLIFF:doc status. For details, see Generating color-coded target files.

      • HTML:

        • Document – Select it to generate a WYSIWYG view of the latest version of the relevant target file(s), in HTML format.

        • Source/target table – Select it to generate an HTML file containing a source or target table in which all the text from the same paragraph is in the same cell.

        • Extended table... – Select it to open the Extended HTML table options popup. In it, select the required extended table options for your HTML file. Then, in the bottom right-hand side corner of the popup, select the Generate button. Your HTML extended table has now been generated and is ready to be downloaded.

      • Excel:

        • Extended table... – Select it to open the Extended Excel table options popup. In it, select the required extended table options for your Excel file. Then, in the bottom right-hand side corner of the popup, select the Generate button. Your Excel extended table is now generated and is then ready to be downloaded.

        • Alternative translations – This option is displayed if it has been enabled by your XTM Cloud Administrator (for details, see Project type settings) and selected for the relevant project (for details, see Creating a project: Settings). This gives you an Excel file containing source text, recommendation (target text), alternative translations, back translations and comments (if available), on one sheet.

    • Select the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the most recently generated file(s). This icon is only displayed if some files have been generated.

    • Select the info icon blue_info_brand_refreshed.svg to display the Preview file history popup. In it, you see details for the most recently generated preview files. For each history entry, you can select:

      • the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the relevant file(s).

      • the dustbin icon trash_can_red_brand_refreshed.svg to delete the relevant file(s).

  • the TMX column – TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) file format is used for saving and exchanging translation memory data created by a CAT Tool. In XTM Cloud, TMX files contain XML-formatted bilingual text. The segment scope that the TMX file contains depend on the TMX download options setting made by your XTM Cloud Administrator (for details, see TMX download options in Linguist general options).

    • Select the generate icon gear_outline_brand_refreshed.svg to generate a TMX file for one or all project files assigned to you in the relevant project.

    • Select the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the most recently generated TMX file(s). This icon is only displayed if some files have been generated.

    • Select the info icon blue_info_brand_refreshed.svg to display the TMX file history popup. In it, you see details for the most recently generated TMX files. For each history entry, you can select:

      • the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the relevant file(s).

      • the dustbin icon trash_can_red_brand_refreshed.svg to delete the relevant file(s).

  • the Offline translation:

    • Select the generate icon gear_outline_brand_refreshed.svg to generate the relevant file(s):

      • Generate TIPP – This option is only displayed if your XTM Cloud Administrator has selected the Enable TIPP option (for details, see General system settings). TIPP is one of the formats that can be used for offline translation, in XTM Cloud. You can only generate a TIPP file for all files assigned to you, in the relevant project and for the relevant target language. After you have generated the TIPP file, the offline translation generation options are locked. To unlock them, upload the translated TIPP file. Alternatively, select the unlock icon unlock_gray_solid.svg.

      • Generate XLIFF – Select this option to generate an XLIFF standard 1.2-compliant XLIFF file for the workflow step which has been assigned to you. In the Generate XLIFF popup, specify if the target segments which have not yet been translated are to be populated with the source content, and select Generate.

      • Generate multi XLIFF – Select this option to generate one XLIFF standard 1.2-compliant XLIFF file for multiple jobs for the same language pair. In the Generate XLIFF popup, specify if the target is to be populated with the source content, and select Generate.

      • Generate XTM Excel Editor – Select this option to generate file(s) that you can use in the XTM Offline Editor. In the Select a workflow step popup, select the relevant step and then select Generate.

      • Generate PDF review.

    • Select the upload icon cloud_arrow_up_purple_outline_brand_refreshed.svg to upload the relevant file(s):

      • Upload XLIFF – Select this option to upload an XLIFF file. For details of how to do so, see Uploading XLIFF and multi XLIFF files in the Project – Files popup screen.


        If required, you can set specific target segments to locked, in XTM Workbench, when the XLIFF file is uploaded into XTM Cloud. To do so, in the XLIFF file, in the relevant <target> segment(s), enter a specific attribute value.

        Example 45. Attributes used for segment locking

        To lock the relevant segment(s), enter an attribute xtm:locked with one of these valid values: "yes", "true", or "y". Example: <trans-unit><target xtm:locked="yes">.

        The relevant values are NOT case-sensitive.

        Other attribute values are ignored. It is also not possible to unlock any locked segments by importing the offline XLIFF file.

        All XTM Workbench users will see the relevant segment(s) as locked. When they hover over the locked icon lock_gray_solid.svg, they will see which user locked them. This information depends on the settings made by your XTM Cloud Administrator (for details, see Privacy settings).

        Users who have been granted the relevant access rights by their XTM Cloud Administrator or Project Managers can unlock these segments in XTM Workbench. To grant the relevant user(s) these access rights as an Administrator or Project Manager, select Edit user > Access rights tab. Then, in the XTM Workbench section, for the Segment locking rights setting, select either the Lock and unlock or the Unlock only option.

      • Upload multi XLIFF – Select this option to upload a multi XLIFF file. For details of how to do so, see Uploading XLIFF and multi XLIFF files in the Project – Files popup screen.


        If required, you can set specific target segments to locked, in XTM Workbench, when the XLIFF file is uploaded into XTM Cloud. To do so, in the XLIFF file, in the relevant <target> segment(s), enter a specific attribute value.

        Example 46. Attributes used for segment locking

        To lock the relevant segment(s), enter an attribute xtm:locked with one of these valid values: "yes", "true", or "y". Example: <trans-unit><target xtm:locked="yes">.

        The relevant values are NOT case-sensitive.

        Other attribute values are ignored. It is also not possible to unlock any locked segments by importing the offline XLIFF file.

        All XTM Workbench users will see the relevant segment(s) as locked. When they hover over the locked icon lock_gray_solid.svg, they will see which user locked them. This information depends on the settings made by your XTM Cloud Administrator (for details, see Privacy settings).

        Users who have been granted the relevant access rights by their XTM Cloud Administrator or Project Managers can unlock these segments in XTM Workbench. To grant the relevant user(s) these access rights as an Administrator or Project Manager, select Edit user > Access rights tab. Then, in the XTM Workbench section, for the Segment locking rights setting, select either the Lock and unlock or the Unlock only option.

      • Upload XTM Excel Editor – Select this option to upload Excel file(s). In the Upload Excel popup, upload the relevant file(s) and select Upload.

      • Upload PDF review – Select this option to upload PDF file(s). In the Upload PDF review popup, upload the relevant file(s) and select Upload.

    • Select the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the most recently generated offline translation file(s). This icon is only displayed if some files have been generated.

    • Select the info icon blue_info_brand_refreshed.svg to display the Offline translation file history popup. In it, you see details for the most recently generated offline files. For each history entry, you can select:

      • the download icon download_brand_refreshed_blue.svg to download the relevant file(s).

      • the dustbin icon trash_can_red_brand_refreshed.svg to delete the relevant file(s).