Opening XTM Workbench in the Manage jobs view
You can open XTM Workbench for the relevant project at any time.
For the relevant project, open the Project Editor – Workflow tab.
Ensure that you are working in the Beta Workflow Editor. If you are not, enable it. For details, see Enabling the Beta Workflow Editor.
Display the relevant job in the Manage jobs view. For details, see Viewing jobs in the Manage jobs view.
Result: You are redirected to the Manage jobs view.
If necessary, filter the displayed results. For details, see Filtering jobs in the Manage jobs view.
In the relevant table row, do one of the following:
On the right-hand side of the screen, select the context menu . Then, in the list, select Open XTM Workbench.
Right-click anywhere in the relevant table row. Then, in the list, select Open XTM Workbench.
Use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate to the context menu in the relevant table row. Then, use either Space or Enter key on your keyboard to open the context menu. Finally, use the Enter key to select Open XTM Workbench.
If the relevant source file could not be analyzed, the Open XTM Workbench option for the relevant table row is deactivated.
Result: the Open Workbench popup is displayed.
In the Open Workbench popup:
use the Select a workflow step dropdown to select the step for which you want to open XTM Workbench. Automatic and non-CAT-tool workflow steps are not displayed in the list and so cannot be selected.
use the Open as dropdown to specify if you want to open XTM Workbench as:
yourself (default).
a user assigned to this step.
If the relevant file has been split into bundles, the list of all Linguists assigned to these bundles is displayed. You can open XTM Workbench as any one of them.
You can only open workflow steps that are assigned to an LSP or a user group as yourself, not as the relevant LSP or any member of the user group.
use the Read-only toggle switch:
on (default) – you will open XTM Workbench in read-only mode.
off – you will open XTM Workbench in edit mode.
In some cases, XTM Workbench will open in read-only mode even if you have turned the Read-only toggle switch off.
Example: It is not possible to open XTM Workbench in edit mode if you are a subcontractor (LSP) for the relevant project and you have not yet accepted the relevant task.
use the Visual mode toggle switch:
This setting is only displayed if the relevant file is one of the formats supported in Visual mode. For details, see Visual mode in XTM Workbench.
on – you will open XTM Workbench in Visual mode.
off – you will open XTM Workbench in regular mode.
select Open at the bottom of the popup.
Result: you enter XTM Workbench as the selected user and in the selected mode.