Matches in XTM Workbench
XTM Workbench displays matches in the Matches docked panel. They are ordered by the type of match and then by the date created or changed.
Order of matches in XTM:
ICE In-context Exact match (ICE).
100% Leveraged match 100%.
R Repetitions.
TM Fuzzy matches.
Internal Fuzzy matches (in score order and then in date order).
MT MT matches.
Hover over the Metadata column to display:
Customer name.
Project name.
Database ID.
Date created date on which the project was created.
Date modified the last date a segment was changed.
Created by and Modified by.
Source and target languages.
Segment status.
XLIFF:doc status.
Updating TM matches and terms in a segment in XTM
Whenever a user:
enters a target segment, the active segment, and the next two segments are updated.
edits or deletes a TM match in the target segment, the segment is updated.
adds a term to Terminology or edits an existing term in a segment, the segment is updated.
Updating Machine translation matches
Whenever a user:
enters a target segment, the active segment, and the next two segments are updated.
merges or unmerges a segment with its preceding segment: both segments are updated.
MT matches will never be updated if:
segments are in the read-only mode.
segment has been merged with the preceding segment.
segments contain alternative translations.
segments are locked.
segments have been excluded from the translation with the use of an MT engine as part of an analysis configuration provided by the XTM Support Team
To request support
Visit our Support Portal.
the Do not search for an MT match when one of the selected matches exists option has been checked in the project settings; as a result, segments have a match blocking MT translation.
Accepting matches in Matches docked panel in XTM Workbench
Go to the Matches docked panel.
In the target column, select the check to insert the match.