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XTM Cloud 13.9

Managing the workflow for all projects in a group

Procedure. To manage the workflow for all projects in a group:
  1. Select Projects > Project groups.

  2. For the relevant project group, select the context menu icon elipsis.svg on the right-hand side of the screen.

  3. From the context menu, select Manage projects.

  4. In the Manage projects in group popup, select the Manage workflow tab.

  5. If the projects have different workflows, select a workflow type that you want to modify.

  6. Add workflow steps by clicking the field_add.png icon or delete workflow steps by clicking the field_delete.png icon.


    1. You cannot change the workflow if the projects are:

      • still being analyzed.

      • assigned to an LSP.

      • archived.

    2. If the projects that you are managing have an active preprocessing step, you will only be able to manage the preprocessing step workflow in those projects.

      Once the preprocessing step is finished, you will be able to manage further workflow steps.

  7. At the bottom of the popup, select:

    • Update to confirm changes before moving to the next tab or before closing the Manage projects in group popup using the xmark-light.svg icon.

    • Close to cancel your changes.


The list containing the projects in a selected project group only displays the projects to which Project Managers have access.

When a project group is managed from the context menu elipsis.svg in the Projects > Project groups tab screen, Project Managers can also only update these projects, in the selected group to which they have access.