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XTM Cloud 13.9

Generating custom PO
Procedure. To generate a custom PO:
  1. Select the Projects > Project listing tab.

  2. You can use features in the Simple search or Advanced search tab screens to display the relevant project.

  3. Select the context menu icon ellipsis_vertical_context_menu_brand_refreshed.svg next to the relevant project.

  4. From the context menu, select money-bill-regular.svg Show Estimates.

    Result: Project Editor > money_solid_brand_refreshed.svg Estimates tab screen is displayed for the relevant project. In it, select the Costs tab.


    You will see money-bill-regular.svg Show Costs option in the context menu, if your XTM Cloud Administrator has selected the Disable proposals in project estimates parameter (for details, see Cost settings). This option takes you directly to the Project Editor > money_solid_brand_refreshed.svg Costs tab screen.

  5. In the Costs tab screen, select the context menu icon ellipsis_vertical_context_menu_brand_refreshed.svg in the line where you want to generate costs and select View.

    Result: The Project cost details popup is displayed.

  6. In the Project cost details popup, select the context menu icon ellipsis_vertical_context_menu_brand_refreshed.svg next to the linguist for whom you want to generate costs and select Generate custom PO.

    Result: The Generate custom PO is displayed.

  7. In the Generate custom PO, fill in the parameters as needed. See Generate custom PO parameters.

  8. At the bottom of the Generate custom PO, select the Generate button.

Table 89. Generate custom PO settings





Valid values

File format

Enables you to select a file format for the purchase order


Radio button

Valid values (within a variety of predefined workflow definitions):

  • PDF.

  • Excel.

Cost breakdown

Determines how costs are presented on the purchase order


Dropdown list

Valid values (within a variety of predefined workflow definitions):

  • No breakdown – costs specified on the purchase order will only include summed amounts.

  • Languages – costs specified on the purchase order will be divided by languages.

  • Languages and workflow steps – costs specified on the purchase order will be divided by languages and workflow steps.

Include rates

Includes rates from the translator’s rate card.

The parameter is only available when the Cost breakdown parameter is set to Languages and workflow steps.



Valid values:

  • Cleared

  • Selected (default)

Calculation method

Specifies whether costs included in the purchase order should be calculated by adding costs of all word matching categories or subtracting them from the overall sum


Radio button

Valid values:

  • Addition (default)

  • Subcontracting

The default is determined by system settings (Configuration > Data > Estimates > PO settings > Default PO).

Custom fields

Multiple custom fields can be listed on the purchase order.


Dropdown list

Valid values as set by the XTM Cloud Administrator.

It is the XTM Cloud Administrator who enables the custom fields for Project Managers.


Enables you to add a comment.

PO comments can be specified in customer or global system settings or manually in the comment input field.



Text box

Valid values:

  • Cleared

  • Selected (default)


Adds a footer.

PO footers can be specified in customer or global system settings.



Text box

Valid values:

  • Cleared

  • Selected (default)

Font size

Specifies the size of the font used in the Purchase Order (PO)


Dropdown list


Between 3 - 48

Send PO to linguist

Enables you to send the purchase order to the linguist



Valid values:

  • Cleared (default)

  • Selected

Send PO to its creator

Enables you to send the purchase order to the person who created it



Valid values:

  • Cleared (default)

  • Selected