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XTM Cloud 13.9

General system settings

Procedure. Setting links in XTM Cloud to connect to your website home page
  1. Select Configuration > Settings > System > General.

  2. Select Home page URL.

  3. Select Save.

Procedure. Enabling the subcontracting feature in XTM Cloud
  1. Select Configuration > Settings > System > General.

  2. Select Enable subcontracting.

  3. Select Save.

Procedure. Enabling TIPP in XTM Cloud
  1. Select Configuration > Settings > System > General.

  2. Select Enable TIPP.

  3. Select Save.

Procedure. Enabling TM and term tags in XTM Cloud
  1. Select Configuration > Settings > System > General.

  2. Select Enable TM and term tags.

  3. Select Save.

Procedure. Enabling XTM Chat
  1. Select Configuration > Settings > System > General.

  2. Select Enable XTM Chat.

  3. Select Save.

Procedure. Uploading your company logo to replace XTM on the login page

Replace the XTM logo on the login page and on the header on each page.

Your logo should be in a .png, .jpeg, .jpg, or .gif format and will be automatically resized to 120 x 50 pixels.

  1. Select Configuration > Settings > System > General.

  2. Select Company logo > Choose file. Upload the file.

  3. Select Save.