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XTM Cloud 13.9

General description

XTM Cloud incorporates a comprehensive terminology module. This is a database of multilingual terms. It includes mandatory and custom fields.

In XTM Workbench, the system identifies and highlights terms in the source text that are in the termbase. The approved term equivalent in the target language is displayed in the docked panel. On hover, more term details are displayed. This feature facilitates a consistent use of the agreed terminology during translation.

In the XTM Cloud Terminology module, users can:

  • manage terminology (add, suggest, edit, delete, add images).

  • import terminology.

  • export terminology.

Procedure. Opening the Terminology tab in a separate window
  1. Right-click on the Terminology tab.

  2. Select Open in new window from the context menu.

Manage tab

In the Manage tab, you can find, add, edit or delete concepts or terms from a customer’s termbase. You can browse, filter, or search for terms to update them and edit them as required. Check Managing terms in XTM Cloud for more details.

Import tab

Enables you to create, update or synchronize termbases by importing terminology lists from external sources. XTM Cloud stores a history of terminology imports so that you will have a record to track changes to your termbase. Check Importing terms in XTM for more details.

Export tab

You can download terminology lists to several standard file formats. XTM Cloud stores a complete export history so that you will have a record to track changes to your termbase. Check Exporting terms in XTM Cloud for more details.