Filtering jobs in the Manage jobs view
You can filter jobs in the Manage jobs view to only display and mange the relevant jobs.
For the relevant project, open the Project Editor – Workflow tab.
Ensure that you are working in the Beta Workflow Editor. If you are not, enable it. For details, see Enabling the Beta Workflow Editor.
Display the relevant jobs in the Manage jobs view. For details, see Viewing jobs in the Manage jobs view.
Result: You are redirected to the Manage jobs view.
In the Manage jobs view, above the jobs table, on the left-hand side, select the Filter button.
Result: The Filter job by popup is displayed.
In the Filter job by popup:
select one or more values for the required filter(s):
Using filters
Once you have selected the required values for the relevant filter, click outside of the relevant filter's area, but still inside the Filter job by popup. The options that you have selected are retained and displayed, and you can either move to another filter or confirm your selection with the Apply button.
Example 29. Filter logicYou select these filter options:
Target languages: French (France) and Japanese (Japan).
Job status: Not started and Pending.
Due date: Overdue and Today.
Filter logic:
Language [French (France) OR Japanese (Japan)] AND Job status [Not started OR Pending] AND Due date [Overdue OR Today]
In the Manage jobs view, you see jobs with either French (France) OR Japanese (Japan) as a target language, that are either Not started OR Pending and are either already Overdue OR due Today.
Target languages – Use the project target languages dropdown to display job(s) with the relevant target language(s). You can:
use the search box to find the relevant target language(s).
select one or more target language(s) by selecting the relevant checkbox(es).
use the Select all button to select all target languages.
use the Clear all button to deselect any previously selected target languages.
Job status – Select one or more options:
Finished. – Display job(s) in which all workflow steps have been finished.
Not started. – Display job(s) in which workflow has not yet been started.
Pending. – Display job(s) in which workflow has already been started on the contractor's side, but not in the subcontractor's instance yet.
In progress. – Display job(s) in which workflow has been started and one of the steps is currently in progress.
Not finished. – Display job(s) in which the workflow has either not been started yet, it is pending, or at least one workflow step is currently in progress.
Workflow step – The dropdown list displays all workflow steps from all jobs in the relevant project. Each step is only displayed once, even if it is used multiple times in some workflows. Select one or more options.
Due date – Select one or more options:
Overdue – Display job(s) whose final due date has passed.
Today – Display job(s) whose final due date is today.
Next 3 business days – Display job(s) whose final due date is within the next 3 business days.
This week – Display job(s) whose final due date is within this week.
at the bottom of the popup, select:
Clear to close the Filter job by popup and clear all filters, including the ones that were already selected when you entered the Manage jobs view.
Apply to apply selected filter values and only display the relevant job(s), in the Manage jobs view.
Result: The job list in the Manage jobs view is adjusted according to the filter options that you have selected. The relevant options are displayed above the table, on the left-hand side of the screen. If you have selected 4 or more target languages, they are grouped together. To clear one of the selected filter options, select the close icon next to its name. The job list will immediately be adjusted to only include the filters that you have kept.
The latest filter settings are saved and displayed when you enter the Manage jobs view using the Manage jobs button, in the Overview view.