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XTM Cloud 13.9

Estimate calculations

Base cost and duration calculation

Firstly, XTM calculates a base cost and base duration for the project.

The base cost is calculated according to the formula:

Base cost = Total count of words or characters * Base cost per words or characters.

Base duration is calculated according to the formula:

Base duration = Total count of words or characters / Base words or character per day

Calculation method: Multiplication or Addition

Addition: All factors are added and then multiplied by the base cost according to the formula:

Final price = base cost * (1 + (language combination factor – 1) + (metrics factor – 1) + (delivery type factor – 1))

Multiplication: All factors are multiplied by the base cost according to the formula:

Final price = base cost * language combination factor * metrics factor * delivery type factor.

Job price duration and delivery date estimates

Job estimates are calculated after the job has been analyzed and are based on all the factors previously described.

The estimated delivery date is calculated using the estimated duration time plus one day, the working schedule, and finally taking into account the configurable rounding point.

Initially the estimated price/duration and final price/duration equal to each other but the Project Manager can change the Final values after reviewing the estimate.

The Final Language combination delivery date and project delivery date are based on job estimates, so XTM stores the duration of each job. Since delivery dates cannot be summed up only the duration time (and not the delivery date) is modifiable at the job level.

Target language price duration and delivery date estimates

An estimate for each target language is calculated after all the jobs have been calculated, by summing the values for all the jobs in the target language.

Additionally, the Minimum text (word/characters) factor is taken into account. If the sum of all jobs in the current target language does not fulfil the minimum text count then the minimum charge is taken.

If the jobs fulfil the minimum text count, then the parameter named Minimum Charge On Discount is selected. If the estimated price is lower than minimum charge, the minimum charge is taken as the estimated price.

After preparing the price as above, language combination level discounts are taken into consideration (as described in job level).

The calculated price is known as Estimated price and at this stage this is the final target language price. The estimated duration and delivery date are calculated in the same manner as for the Job duration and delivery date. Similar to the job calculation, only the duration time and not the delivery date is modifiable.

Project price, duration and delivery date estimates

The Project estimate is calculated by summing all the target language estimates.

Then the customer discounts are taken into consideration which may increase or decrease the estimates.

At the same time, project level discount rules are taken into consideration (as described in job part).

The calculated price is known as Estimate and at this stage is the same as the Final price which is modifiable by the Project Manager. The estimated duration and delivery are calculated in the same manner as the Job duration and delivery.

At this stage both the duration time and delivery date are modifiable.

The Project also has a Final Auto Price and Final Auto duration and delivery dates. However, this feature must be switched on for each language combination.