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XTM Cloud 13.9

Default project filter

Using the default project filter enables you to focus on these projects that are most important to you. You can only have one default project filter. If you have previously selected any other default filter, it will automatically be replaced once you set a new default filter.

. Benefits of using your personal default filter:

When you set your personal default project filter:

  • whenever you log in to XTM Cloud, the Projects > Project list > Advanced search tab screen is displayed as your home page.

  • until you temporarily or permanently deactivate it, the default project filter is displayed in every Project list tab screen, whenever you go back to this tab during the same session. This means that:

    • the list only contains the projects which meet the default filter's criteria.

    • project details are sorted as specified in the default filter.

    • the relevant project filter name is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.

  • the default filter is marked with the black star icon star_gray_outline_brand_refreshed.svg, and displayed at the top of the Filters or Groups dropdown list. This depends on which filter type you select as your default.

. Setting your personal default filter

To set your personal default filter, you can use:

. Temporarily deactivating your personal default filter

You can temporarily deactivate your personal default filter to display projects meeting other criteria than the ones defined in your default filter. The new search results will be kept and displayed for the session duration, even if you leave the Project list tab. But when you log in to XTM Cloud again, the default filter will be displayed again.

To temporarily deactivate the relevant default filter, select one of these methods:

  • Use the close icon close_X-mark_from-UX-team.svg, on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the default project filter's name.

    When you do so, XTM Cloud will take you to the Simple search tab.

  • Use the Reset search button in the Advanced search tab screen.

    When you do so, you will stay on this tab, but the value Active projects will automatically be selected from the Project status dropdown list and the Advanced searching label will be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.

  • Use switchers or perform a search in the Simple search tab screen.

    When you do so, the relevant search results will be kept for the session duration, even if you leave the Project list tab.

  • Use filters in the Advanced search tab screen.

    When you do so, the relevant search results will be kept for the session duration, even if you leave the Project list tab.

  • Use the Groups dropdown to display projects in one of the saved project groups.

    When you do so, the relevant project group name will be displayed on the left-hand side of the Groups dropdown and the projects in the selected group will be displayed in the Project list.

  • Use the Filters dropdown to display projects in one of the saved project filters.

    When you do so, the relevant project filter name will be displayed on the right-hand side and the projects from the selected filter will be displayed on the Project list.

. Permanently deactivating your personal default filter

When you permanently deactivate your personal default filter, XTM Cloud will take you to the Simple search tab whenever you log in.

To permanently deactivate the relevant default filter:


If somebody deletes the project filter or deletes the project group that you have selected as your default, your default project filter will also be deleted. Until you set a new default filter, XTM Cloud will take you to the Simple search tab whenever you log in.