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XTM Cloud 13.9

Dashboard widgets

You can add multiple widgets within a dashboard. The widgets are managed using the icons in the widget menu itself.

Procedure. Accessing widget configuration
  1. Select Projects > Dashboards.

  2. Select the gray configuration icon cog-solid.png on the widget.

Procedure. Deleting widget
  1. Select Projects > Dashboards.

  2. Select the grey Remove widget icon times.png.

Procedure. Reloading widget
  1. Select Projects > Dashboards.

  2. Select the gray refresh data icon sync-solid.svg on the widget.

Procedure. Adding new widget
  1. Select Projects > Dashboards.

  2. Select the gray plus button icon plus-solid.svg.

  3. Type the widget name in the title bar.

  4. Select data to show on the widget:

    1. Filter projects by select which projects are used to prepare the data.

    2. Group projects by set this parameter for determining the y axis of the graph.

    3. Sort results by choose ascending or descending order.

    4. Number of groups to display sets the number of groups on the graph. By default, this value is set to 10. Groups with a null value are not displayed.

  5. Select Save.


Adding dashboard widget