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XTM Cloud 13.9

Customizing language combinations

In the Language combinations > Customise tab screen, there are three options for you to edit and use language combinations:

  1. System default language combinations. This is the full set of unmodified language combinations.

  2. System defaults with customised language combinations. This is the full set of language combinations in which you can have customized some parameters.

  3. Customised language combinations only. This is only those language combinations that you have customised.

Procedure. Adding a new source language and the corresponding target languages
  1. Select Configuration > Data > Language combinations > Customise.

  2. Select the plus icon circle_plus_sharp_brand_refreshed.svg to the right of the Add source language button.


    You can select multiple source and target languages and XTM Cloud will create all the possible language combinations.

  3. In the popup, select the required language and the arrow icon circle_chevron_right_sharp_solid_brand_refreshed.svg to move it to the right-hand box.

  4. Select Save.

Procedure. Adding a target language to an existing source language
  1. Select Configuration > Data > Language combinations > Customise,

  2. Select the source language from the dropdown.

  3. Select the Add target language button and a new line will be displayed at the bottom of the target language listing. Select a target language from the dropdown list and edit the factors if required.

  4. Select the required language and the arrow icon circle_chevron_right_sharp_solid_brand_refreshed.svg to move it to the right-hand box.

  5. Select Save.

When you have selected one of the customized options it is possible to add and delete source and target languages.

To delete language combinations, select the row to delete by checking the box in the left-hand column and then select the delete selected rows button.

The lower section on this page enables you to edit the factors used for creating estimates for each language combination. In this location customizing the factors sets the default values for the entire system.

The factors can be customized for each customer as well – See Editing Customers.

You can change:

  • Price factor – The base price is multiplied by the price factor so if it is 1 (the default) the price doesn't change, if it's greater than 1 the price is increased and if it's lower than 1 then the price is decreased.

  • Duration factor – Similar to the price factor but this changes the duration of the translation process and has an impact on the delivery date.

  • The minimum charge factor – The customer "minimum charge" is multiplied by "minimum charge factor" to increase the minimum charge (>1), decrease (<1), or just leave as it is (=1).

  • The minimum text count (either words or characters) The default value can be overwritten by specifying any value >= 0 in that parameter. -1 means that the default should be taken.

  • Pricing method If you charge by character count rather than word count then set this here. Use the character count for languages such as Japanese and Chinese.

  • Availability – There are three available alternatives:

    • Full – This language combination is available to customers and PMs

    • PM only – Only Project Managers can create projects with this language combination.

    • Unavailable - You do not offer this language combination.

  • Auto quoting – This field allows you to distinguish between commonly used language combinations that your agency can start translating immediately (auto quoted) and language combinations where you need to contact linguists first and you cannot predict the price or the delivery time (non-auto quoted).

  • star_yellow.svg This column displays how the language combination has been defined. A yellow star indicates that the combination has been defined for the entire system and no star means that the system is using default settings.

Changing the factor in each cell determines how the automatic quotation is produced. The last column “Auto quotation” determines whether the customer can receive the quotation automatically from the system or whether they are directed to speak to a Project Manager.