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XTM Cloud 13.9

Connecting XTM Cloud to your Microsoft Translator MT engine
Procedure. To connect XTM Cloud account to your Microsoft Translator MT engine:
  1. Select Configuration > Settings > Translation.

  2. Select the Machine translation tab.

  3. In the MT engines section, select the Microsoft Translator checkbox.

    Result: The Microsoft Translator section is displayed below the General options section.

  4. In the Microsoft Translator section, fill the relevant fields:

    Table 39. Microsoft Translator – configuration parameters





    Valid values

    Default setting

    Use this parameter to specify whether this MT engine should automatically be enabled at customer and project level.



    • Cleared (default).

      If you select this setting, Project Managers need to select the relevant checkbox to use this MT engine at customer and project level.

    • Selected.

      If you select this setting, this MT engine is automatically selected at customer and project level. Project Managers need to clear the relevant checkbox to disable this MT engine at customer and project level.

    Use XTM shared account

    You can use the XTM shared account or your private Microsoft Translator account.



    • Selected.


      XTM shared account shared account is NOT private.

      We recommend that you use your private Microsoft Translator account to work on confidential data.

    • Cleared (default).

      When the Use XTM shared account checkbox is cleared, the mandatory API key text field is displayed.

    API key

    Displayed when the Use XTM shared account checkbox is cleared. Your authorization API key for the Microsoft account.


    Text field


    Use Microsoft Custom Translator

    You can use Microsoft Custom Translator in XTM Cloud projects.



    Valid values:

    • Cleared (default).

    • Selected.

      If you select this setting, the mandatory Category ID text field is displayed.

    Category ID

    Displayed when the Use Microsoft Custom Translator checkbox is selected.

    Mandatory when Use Microsoft Custom Translator checkbox has been selected.

    Text field


    If you enter more than one Category ID, select one of them as a global default. To do so, select the radio button on the right-hand side of the relevant Category ID's name. You can select a different Category ID on the customer and project level.

    Send text for matching

    Use this parameter to specify the stage at which content is to be sent to the MT engine.


    Radio buttons

    Valid values:

    • In XTM Workbench (default).

      If you select this setting, the text is only sent to an MT engine when a user enters a segment in XTM Workbench in Edit mode. The translation is provided on a segment-to-segment basis.

    • After analysis.

      If you select this setting, the whole text is sent to MT matching during project analysis. When the user enters XTM Workbench, all segments are filled with MT matches.

    • After analysis and in XTM Workbench.

      If you select this setting, the whole text is sent to MT matching during project analysis. The text can be resent to the MT on a segment-to-segment basis as in the In XTM Workbench option.

    Use auto inline tag placement

    This feature uses the XTM NLP framework for the automatic placement of inline tags in the machine translation.


    Radio buttons

    Valid values:

    • Never (default).

      If you select this setting, the inline tags are NOT processed by the auto-insert mechanism. XTM Cloud retains the structure of the inline tags inside matches as received from the MT.

    • Only incorrect inline tags.

      If you select this setting, the inline tags are sent to an MT engine and the auto-insert mechanism only works for MT matches that have an incorrect inline tag structure, for example:

      • too many inline tags in a match.

      • missing or too few inline tags in a match.

    • Always.

      If you select this setting, after receiving the translation from MT system, the auto-insert mechanism works for all matches received from MT.

  5. At the bottom of the page, select Save.

Result: Microsoft Translator MT engine is displayed in the Configuration > Settings > Translation > Machine Translation section.

Project Managers can enable or disable Microsoft Translator MT at customer level. They can also add Microsoft Translator MT to a new project while creating it, or to an existing one in the Project Editor. Additionally, they can enable or disable Microsoft Translator MT for the relevant project template(s).