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XTM Cloud 13.9

Configuring segmentation rules in a new template at Customer level
Procedure. To configure segmentation rules in a new template at Customer level
  1. Select Configuration > Filter templates > Customer level.

  2. Select Add template.


    The New template popup is displayed.

  3. In the Select customer step, in the New template popup:

    1. From the mandatory Customer dropdown, select the required customer.

    2. Select Next step.

  4. In the Define the configuration type step, in the New template popup:

    1. From the Configuration type dropdown, select Segmentation.

    2. Select Next step.


    If necessary, you can go back to the previous step. To do so, select the Previous step button in the bottom left-hand corner of the popup. Alternatively, click on the green bullet above the configuration process step name.

  5. In the Create your configuration step, in the New template popup:

    1. From the mandatory File type dropdown, select the required file type:

      • All file types

      • MS Excel (including Multilingual MS Excel)

      • MS Word

      • MS PowerPoint (97-2003)

      • MS PowerPoint

    2. Select the plus-solid_black.svg Add language button to specify the source language for which you would like to configure the segmentation rules.


      You can add multiple source languages to the same configuration type. To do so, use the plus-solid_black.svg Add language button.


      A table containing segmentation rules for the selected source language is displayed. In this table, for each segmentation rule, you see information about:

      • Priority

      • Regex before break

      • Regex after break

      • the Break sentence parameter setting:

        • No – there will be no break in the source text in XTM Workbench in the places indicated by the regex expressions.

        • Yes – XTM Workbench will break the source text into separate segments in the place indicated by the regex expressions.

    3. In the segmentation rules table, you can:

      • select the required segmentation rule. To do so, select the checkbox to the left of the rule.

      • deselect the required segmentation rule. To do so, clear the checkbox to the left of the rule.

      • change the the segmentation rule priority. To do so, hover over the selected segmentation rule, until you see the grip-dots-vertical-solid_FFB_regex_priority.svg icon, to the left of the Priority column. Select the grip-dots-vertical-solid_FFB_regex_priority.svg icon with the left mouse button and drag and drop the relevant rule.

      • edit the segmentation rule. To do so, hover over the required table row and select the pen-solid.png icon on the right.

      • delete the segmentation rule. To do so, hover over the required table row and select the trash-solid.svg icon on the right.

      • restore the default source language segmentation setting. To do so, in the top-left corner of the table, select the clock-rotate-left-restore.svg Restore default button.

      • delete all segmentation rules for the selected source language. To do so, in the top-left corner of the table, select the trash-solid.svg Delete all button.

    4. To add a new segmentation rule:

      1. In the Regular expression pattern before break text field, enter the relevant regular expression pattern (for example (^|\p{Zs}|\p{Ps}|\p{Po})\p{Nd}\..

      2. In the Regular expression pattern after break text field, add the relevant regular expression pattern (for example \p{Zs}).

      3. Select the relevant Break sentence toggle switch setting:

        • off – there will be no break in the source text in XTM Workbench in the places indicated by the regex expressions.

        • on – XTM Workbench will break the source text into separate segments at place indicated by the regex expressions.

      4. Select Add.


      Your segmentation rule is displayed in the regular expressions table. It has the highest priority and is automatically selected for your template.


    If necessary, you can go back to the previous step. To do so, select the Previous step button in the bottom left-hand corner of the popup. Alternatively, click on the green bullet above the configuration process step name.

  6. Select:

    • Save and add configuration to add different filters or other configurations to your newly created filter.

    • Save to save your file filter template.

    • Cancel to stop creating a new template with segmentation configuration.


A Successfully added template message is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

You will see your filter on the Configuration > Filter templates > Customer level tab screen, in the filter templates table.