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XTM Cloud 13.9

Configuring font mapping for an existing template
Procedure. To configure font mapping rules for an existing template:
  1. In Configuration > Filter templates, select one of the available tabs:

    • Project level.

    • Customer level.

    • Global level.

  2. Select layer_plus_brand_refreshed.svg Add configuration and then Font mapping.


    The Add configuration to template popup is displayed.

  3. In the case of the Project level and Customer level tab screens, in the Select template step, in the Add configuration to template popup:

    1. From the obligatory Template dropdown, select the required template.

    2. Select Next step.

  4. In the Create your configuration step, in the Add configuration to template popup:

    1. From the obligatory File type dropdown, select MS Word.

    2. In the Change font in target to text field, type in the relevant standard or custom font name. When you start typing, suggested fonts will be displayed below the text box.

    3. If needed, enable the Only if toggle switch to the right of the Change font in target to text field to set additional criteria for the font mapping:

      • source font is – Type in the relevant standard or custom font name. When you start typing, suggested fonts will be displayed below the text box.

      • source font category is – Select one of the options from the dropdown:

        • All (default).

        • Latin.

        • East Asia.

        • Complex Script.

      • target language is – Select one of the options from the dropdown.

    4. Select Add.


      The font mapping rules table is displayed. In this table, you see information about the following, for each font mapping rule:

      • Source font.

      • Source font category.

      • Target language.

      • Target font.

    5. If required, you can delete a font mapping rule. To do so, hover over the relevant font mapping rule and select the delete icon trash-solid.svg, on the right.


    If necessary, you can go back to the previous step. To do so, select the Previous step button in the bottom left-hand corner of the popup. Alternatively, click on the green bullet above the configuration process step name.

  5. Select:

    • Save and add configuration to add different filters or other configurations to your newly created filter.

    • Save to save your file filter template.

    • Cancel to stop creating a new template with segmentation configuration.


The Successfully added configuration message is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

To display your configuration, select Configuration > Filter templates. You will see the configuration the relevant tab screen, in the relevant file filter template.