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XTM Cloud 13.9

Configuring custom variables for an existing template


This module requires some prior knowledge of Regular Expressions ("regex").

You can use custom variables to select a specific sequence of characters using regular expressions. This string can be converted into an inline tag to protect it during translation. In XTM Workbench, it serves as a placeholder that can be moved by Linguists within the target segment. Regular expressions are extremely powerful when it comes to defining a sequence of characters, including special characters. XTM Cloud uses Java Regular Expressions.

Procedure. To configure custom variables for an existing template:
  1. In Configuration > Filter templates, select one of the available tabs:

    • Project level.

    • Customer level.

    • Global level.

  2. Select layer_plus_brand_refreshed.svg Add configuration and then Custom Variables.


    The Add configuration to template popup is displayed.

  3. In case of Project level and Customer level tabs, in the Select template step, in the Add configuration to template popup:

    1. From the obligatory Template dropdown, select the required template.

    2. Select Next step.

  4. In the Create your configuration step, in the Add configuration to template popup:

    1. From the obligatory File type dropdown, select the required file type:

      • All file types.

      • MS Excel (including Multilingual MS Excel)

      • MS Word.

      • MS PowerPoint (97-2003).

      • MS PowerPoint.

    2. To add a new regular expression:

      1. In the Regular expression name text field, enter the regular expression name.

      2. In the Regular expression text field, add the regular expression pattern (for example [^@ \t\r\n]+@[^@ \t\r\n]+\.[^@ \t\r\n]+ ).

      3. Select Add.


      Your regular expression is displayed in the regular expressions table and automatically selected for your template.

    3. In the regular expressions table, you can:

      • select the required regular expressions by selecting the checkbox to the left of the regular expressions name.

      • change the priority of the regular expressions by dragging and dropping the grip_vertical_brand_refreshed.svg icon next to the regular expressions name.

      • edit the regular expression and its name by hovering over the required table row and selecting the pen-solid.png icon on the right.

      • delete the regular expression by hovering over the required table row and selecting the trash-solid.svg icon on the right.


    If needed, you can go back to the previous step. To do so, select the Previous step button in the bottom left-hand corner of the popup. Alternatively, select the green bullet above the configuration process step name.

  5. Select:

    • Save and add configuration to add different filters or other configurations to your newly created filter.

    • Save to save your file filter template.

    • Cancel to stop creating a new template with segmentation configuration.

Result: the Successfully added configuration message is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

To display your configuration, select Configuration > Filter templates. You will see the configuration on the the relevant tab screen, in the relevant file filter template.