Chat configuration
To display the XTM Chat settings:
In the right corner of the top navigation bar, select the XTM Chat icon
Select the
Chat configuration button.
Project Managers can enable or disable the following parameters:
Send emails about new chats – All chat participants receive a notification once a chat is created.
Allow linguists to create chats without PMs – Linguists can create a chat without the PM.
Show avatars in chat box – The avatars of other users are visible in the chat box next to the messages they have written.
Include LSP PM in chat if LSP is assigned to the workflow – An LSP PM is automatically added to chats when:
a Linguist creates a chat with source reference and any LSP is assigned to the project.
a Linguist creates a chat with target reference and any LSP is assigned to the same language pair in the workflow.
the contractor's PM creates a chat with either target or source reference.
When creating the chat from XTM Workbench, the contractor's PM can exclude the LSP PM by deselecting the Include LSP PM in chat if LSP is assigned to the workflow checkbox in the Create chat for segment popup.
The contractor's PM can also exclude the LSP PM from any existing chat by changing the chat participants.
Default privacy type for newly created chats – Project Managers can select one of the following privacy types as a default setting for each newly created chat:
Private (default) – These chats can be viewed only by chat participants.
Public – These chats can be viewed by anyone, but can only be accessed in read-only mode if user is not a participant of the relevant chat.
Public chats created with an LSP are public on contractor's side. On the LSP's side however, they are only visible to the LSP PM. They are hidden from LSP Linguists.
Project Manager can change the chat privacy type from the default to the selected setting from the Query Management popup (see Managing chats in the Query management popup).
All Project Managers can change the participants list of an existing public chat at any time. Even, if they are not chat participant themselves.
Linguists can enable or disable the following optional parameters:
Show avatars in chat box – The avatars of other users are visible in the chat box next to the messages they have written.