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XTM Cloud 13.9

Chat box

On the top bar of the chat box, you see the following elements:

  • the name of the project that the chat has been created in.

  • the earth-europe.svg icon – If the chat is a public one.

  • the project roles of the users involved in the chat.

  • the chat ID – Click to copy the chat ID.

  • the user icon user-solid.svg – Click to display a detailed list of the users who are participating in the selected chat. The Project Manager can change the chat participants in that list.

  • the minus icon minus-solid.svg – Click to minimize a chat box so that only its top bar will be visible at the bottom of the screen. Click again to restore the chat box to its full size.

  • the close_X-mark_from-UX-team.svg icon – Click to close the chat box.

In the middle of a chat box, you will find the chat messages written in the chat since the beginning of the conversation.

Messages from other chat participant will be displayed on the left of the chat box and have a gray background. On the left-hand side of messages written by other users, you will see the nickname of the sender. You will also see the message sender's avatar if you have enabled this option in the Chat configuration. Learn how to set your nickname and avatar.

Messages written by you will be displayed on the right of the chat box. You will not see your own avatar and nickname in the chat box.

If you have been mentioned by another chat participant, you see the @ symbol and your nickname highlighted yellow in the relevant message.

If you have mentioned another chat participant, you see the @ symbol and the nickname of this participant highlighted light blue in the relevant message.

If one chat participant has mentioned another chat participant, you see the @ symbol and the nickname of the mentioned participant highlighted light blue in the relevant message.

At the bottom of the chat box, you will find the text input field, where you can:

You can display many chat boxes at the same time. To rearrange them, click on the top bar of the selected chat box and drag it to a new location on the screen.

You can also resize the chat box by clicking on one of its edges and dragging it until it reaches the required size.


If you open XTM Cloud in a new tab or a new browser window, chat boxes opened in the previous tabs or windows become inactive.

Chat boxes are only active in the most recently opened tab or window.