Bulk-setting due dates in the Manage jobs view
Follow the procedure below to bulk-set or -change due dates for multiple jobs. If you want to perform these actions for a single job, you can follow the procedure below but only select the relevant job. Alternatively, see Setting due dates for the workflow steps in the Manage jobs view.
For the relevant project, open the Project Editor – Workflow tab.
Ensure that you are working in the Beta Workflow Editor. If you are not, enable it. For details, see Enabling the Beta Workflow Editor.
Display the relevant jobs in the Manage jobs view. For details, see Viewing jobs in the Manage jobs view.
Result: You are redirected to the Manage jobs view.
If necessary, filter the displayed results. For details, see Filtering jobs in the Manage jobs view.
Use checkboxes in the table, in the Manage jobs view, to select the relevant jobs that you want to bulk edit. You can:
edit all jobs displayed on the current table page, in the Manage jobs view. To do so, select the checkbox in the table header.
edit all jobs in the project, displayed on all pages, in the Manage jobs view. To do so, select the checkbox in the table header. Then, select the Select all [number] jobs on all pages button that is displayed above the table when you select the checkbox in the table header. Now you can bulk-manage all jobs listed in the Manage jobs view, on all pages.
select one or more checkboxes on the same table page to only manage the relevant jobs.
edit one or more jobs that are displayed on different table pages. To do so, first, display the relevant jobs on the same page. You can either adjust the number of entries that will be displayed on one page or filter jobs to ensure you see all relevant jobs on the same page, in the table, in the Manage jobs view. Next, select all required checkboxes.
After you have selected all required jobs, select the Edit selected jobs button.
Result: The Edit selected jobs popup is displayed. In it, you see workflow steps from all selected jobs according to these rules:
If all selected jobs have the same workflow, steps are displayed in the same sequence in which they are in the workflow. If these jobs have an automatic step or a step added by an LSP, information about them is displayed, but they cannot be edited. You also see the blocking mechanism, which is marked by the vertical lines used between the relevant workflow steps:
No line – Steps can be processed at the same time. This blocking mechanism is the same as the comma icon in the standard workflow editor.
Dashed vertical line – The next step in a bundle cannot be started until the previous step in that bundle is finished. This blocking mechanism is the same as the arrow right icon in the standard workflow editor.
Straight line – The next step cannot be started until the previous step is finished for all the bundles. This blocking mechanism is the same as the hashtag icon in the standard workflow editor.
If selected jobs have different workflows, workflow steps are displayed in alphabetical order, but automatic steps and steps added by an LSP are NOT listed. You also see a You have selected jobs with different workflows warning, in the Edit selected jobs popup. But you do NOT see the blocking mechanism between steps.
In the Edit selected jobs popup:
for every workflow step to which you want to assign a Linguist, select the chevron down icon to expand the step settings.
in the Set due date section, use the toggle switch:
off (default) – to leave the due dates unchanged.
on – to set new or change previous due dates for the relevant step. A text field is displayed below the toggle switch. Use time and date pickers to enter the required value. Alternatively, type in the required time and date.
When you make a selection, the Changed label is displayed next to the relevant step.
if necessary, you can bulk-assign Linguist(s) to workflow steps in the selected jobs. For details, see Bulk-assigning Linguists to workflow steps in the Manage jobs view.
at the bottom of the popup, select:
Reset to discard changes but keep the popup open.
Cancel or the close icon to discard changes and close the popup. If you have made any changes in the Edit selected jobs popup, you will need to confirm your action in the Discard changes popup.
Save to save your changes and close the popup.
Result: due dates have been selected for the relevant workflow step(s), in the relevant jobs. They will be displayed in the Due date column in the job list table, in the Manage jobs view.