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XTM Cloud 13.9

Adding new participants to the existing chat

A user with the Project Manager role can add new participants to the existing chat.

Procedure. To add participants to the existing chat:
  1. In the right-hand corner of the top navigation bar, select the XTM Chat icon Chats_brand_refreshed.svg.

  2. Select the relevant chat.


    If needed, select the arrow-up-right-from-square-regular.svg Access Query management to see more chats button to open the Query management popup in which you can search for chats using chat filters and sorting options.

  3. In the chat box, select the user icon user-solid.svg.

  4. In the top panel of the participants list, click the Change participants... button.


    A Change chat participants popup is displayed.

  5. In the Change chat participants popup, select chat participants from the following participant groups:

    • Assigned to project.

    • PM/LPM.

    • Linguists.

    • LSP.

    • User groups.

    • Language groups.

    • Chat groups.

  6. To add chat participants, click on their user names to highlight them and select the arrow button square_chevron_right_solid_blue70_brand_refreshed.svg.

    Alternatively, double-click on their user name.


    The names of the selected users will be grayed out on the left-hand side pane and will be displayed on the right-hand side pane.

  7. Click Save chat to save your changes.

  8. Click xmark-light.svg or the Close button to close the Change chat participants popup.


The new chat participants see every message written in the chat since the beginning of the conversation and are able to start contributing immediately after being added to the chat.