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XTM Cloud 13.8

User Tasks

There are two options available: LQA and Statistics.

User Statistics

Project Managers can see a list of tasks completed by each linguist along with the number of words processed by them.


This option is available only for internal tasks, not subcontracted tasks.

The number of words processed by a given user is the value taken from Statistics - source words total count.

Procedure. Activating the Statistics option

The statistics option can be accessed by Linguists if it has been activated by your XTM Cloud Administrator.

  • Select Configuration > Settings > Translation > Workflow and access > Linguist general options > Show statistics of finished tasks to linguist.

User LQA

LQA in Users > Tasks > LQA lists all the LQAs performed by the user. Project Managers can open the Project Editor, download the LQA report or delete it from the list.