Searching for users
You can use the below procedure to only display one or more relevant users in the Users > User list tab screen.
Select the Users > User list tab.
Use one or both search methods:
Enter the search phrase in the search field and click the Search button. XTM Cloud will search by username, first name, last name, email address.
Use Filters to display the relevant users. You can filter users by one or more categories:
Activity. To use this filter category, select the checkbox next to it. Now, select the relevant option:
Active – users who are active and can be assigned to new projects.
Inactive – users who have been deactivated and cannot be assigned to new projects until they are activated again.
Availability. To use this filter category, select the checkbox next to it. Now, select the relevant option:
Available – users who are currently available for new projects.
Unavailable – users who are temporarily NOT available for new projects, for example because they are currently on vacation.
Roles. To use this filter category, select the checkbox next to it. Now, select the relevant option:
All (default) – users with one or more of user roles are displayed. To select this option, use the Select all button.
one or more specific user roles. To be able to select specific user roles, first either use the close icon next to the All label, or use the Clear all button. Now, select the checkboxes next to the relevant user roles. You can use the search box to find them. For details, see User roles in XTM Cloud.
Result: XTM Cloud displays all users who meet all your search criteria. You can now manage the relevant users. For details, see Managing users.