Copying the callback details
If required, you can copy and send the callback details to XTM Support team for the troubleshooting.
To request support
Visit our Support Portal.
Select Configuration > Callbacks.
In the callbacks table, find the required callback. You can use the callbacks filtering parameters to narrow down the search results.
Click on the row displaying the relevant callback. Alternatively, on the right-hand side of this row, select
> Details.
The Details popup is displayed.
In the Details popup:
in the bottom right corner, select
Copy all to copy all available information about the selected callback from the following sections:
UUID – the unique callback ID
Customer – the customer on the project that the callback is referring to
URL – the URL to which the callback has been sent.
Additional data – callback logs
hover over the relevant section label and select the
Copy value to only copy information from this section:
UUID – the unique callback ID
Customer – the customer on the project that the callback is referring to
URL – the URL to which the callback has been sent.
Additional data – callback logs
Select Close to close the Details popup.