Advanced search in the Concordance docked panel
You can use Concordance Advanced search to build complex Translation memory queries.
The following parameters are predefined and cannot be changed in the advanced search performed in the Concordance docked panel:
Language combination – This setting is determined by the language combination set for the task.
TM Resources – The Project Manager decides, the Translation Memory of which customer(s) should be used in this project.
Reverse matches – When the Reverse matches setting has been enabled, the search returns the match results stored for a reverse language pair than the one set in the workflow.
For example, when the English (USA) => French (France) language combination has been selected for the workflow, this setting will return the results available for French (France) => English (USA) search.
Language variants – When the Language variants setting has been enabled, the search returns the match results stored for every variant of language pair selected for the workflow.
For example, when English (USA) => French (France) has been selected for the workflow, this setting will return the results available for English (USA) => every French language variant.
In XTM Workbench, go to the Concordance docked panel.
From the dropdown, select Advanced search.
Fill in the Phrase text box using available elements displayed in the dropdown list in the following order:
search areas:
conjunctive operators:
Refer to Concordance Syntax Search for detailed information about constructing Concordance queries.
If required, select the Tags
button to narrow down your search results.
If required, sort the search results in ascending
or descending
order by the following criteria:
Date created.
Date modified.
File name.
Segment ID.
Select Search.
Based on the selected criteria, Concordance will search for a maximum of 50 results within one language pair, from which all duplicate entries (in which the source segments and the target segments are the same) will be excluded.
If you have selected Reverse matches setting, Concordance will search for another maximum of 50 results for the reversed language pair. In this case, the results of both searches will be displayed as an aggregated list with a maximum of 100 entries, from which duplicate entries (in which the source segments and the target segments are the same) will be excluded.
The Concordance search results are first sorted by:
The selected criterion.
The score.
Score – displays record's ordinal number in the search results list
Source – displays the latest entries from the Translation Memory
Target – displays target language phrases in the Translation Memory
Metadata column containing:
date modified.
customer name.
if applicable, the following icons:
icon – this TM entry has the status Not Approved.
icon – this TM entry is a Reverse memory match.
icon – this TM entry is a Language variant match.
Hover over the selected cell in the Metadata column to display all information about the selected TM entry:
customer name.
project name.
file name.
date created.
date modified.