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XTM Cloud 13.5

Advanced search tab

To display the Advanced search tab screen, from the top navigation bar, select Projects and then Project list > Advanced search.

If you have set the default project filter, whenever you log in to XTM Cloud, you see the Advanced search tab screen. In it, the default filter and its results are displayed.


If you have NOT set a default project filer, whenever you log in to XTM Cloud, you see the Simple search tab screen.

XTM Cloud keeps and displays your most recent advanced search results, in the most recent sorting order, with the most recently selected filter values, when:

  • you switch between the Project list subtabs during the same logging session.

  • you switch to a different XTM Cloud tab, and then go back to one of the Project list subtabs during the same session.

In the top part of the Advanced search tab screen, you see the advanced search filters. If they are not displayed automatically, select Advanced search caret-down-solid_black.svg to expand this section. To hide it, select Advanced search caret-up-solid.svg. In the bottom left-hand corner of the section, you see these buttons:

  • Search – once you select the relevant filters, select this button to apply them. When you do so, the Advanced searching label is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, and:

    • if you have previously performed a search in the Simple search tab screen, the buttons are deactivated and the text field is cleared. The simple search results will be displayed again, when you select the close icon close_X-mark_from-UX-team.svg on the right-hand side of the Advanced searching label.

    • if you have previously selected a project filter from the Filters dropdown, or a project group from the Groups dropdown, their results are replaced by your new search. To restore their results, select the relevant project filter or project group from the relevant dropdown list again.

    • if you have a default project filter, it is temporarily deactivated and the Advanced searching label is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. To restore it, select it again from the Filters or the Groups dropdown, depending on how the default filter has been created. Alternatively, log in to XTM Cloud again.

  • Save as – this button becomes active when you select any filter. Select it to save the advanced search results as a smart project filter or as a project group.

  • Reset search – select this button to clear the applied filters. This option also works if you have filtered projects in the Simple search tab and then moved to the Advanced search tab. As a result, the value Active projects is automatically selected from the Project status dropdown list and the Advanced searching label is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.

In the top right-hand corner of the Advanced search tab screen, you see the Add project button. Use it to create a new project.

If you have purchased one of the license types with word limit (for details see Licensing), you see the following below the Add project button:

  • Processed words – this shows information about the number of processed words which have already been used in your XTM Cloud instance from your:

    • monthly allowance – in the case of Freelance or Group accounts.

    • yearly allowance – in the case of Enterprise, Business, or Team accounts.

  • Renewal date – this is the date by which you need to renew your XTM Cloud subscription.

In the center of the Advanced search tab screen, you see a list of projects that meet your search criteria. You can manage columns and information displayed in the tooltips in the project list.

In the bottom left corner of the Advanced search tab screen, below the project list, you see how many entries it contains. You can set the number of entries that are displayed on one page to:

  • 20.

  • 50.

  • 100.

  • 200.

In the bottom right-hand corner of the Advanced search tab screen, below the project list, you see the number of pages. You can navigate between pages by selecting the page number, or using one of the buttons:

  • First.

  • Previous.

  • Next.

  • Last.

Table 58. Advanced search filters





Valid values

Project name

Search for projects by entering their entire name or just part of it.

The results can contain the searched-for phrase anywhere in the project name and are not case-sensitive. To narrow down the results, use the Case sensitive and Match whole words parameters.

To search for multiple project names at the same time, separate the relevant phrases with a spaced vertical line | (pipe character).

Example 22. Searching for several project names at the same time:

one text | text2 | string3.


Text field


Project name

Case sensitive

Displayed if you have entered any value in the Project name text field.

Use this setting to specify if the text entered in the Project name text field is to be case sensitive or not.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Match whole words

Displayed if you have entered any value in the Project name text field.

Use this setting to specify if the text in the project name should be identical to the text entered in the Project name text field or not.

Example 23. Match whole words parameter usage

You have the word "parallel" in one project name and the word "all" in another one. If you search for project names containing the word "all", and you:

  • leave the Match whole words checkbox cleared, XTM Cloud displays both projects.

  • select the Match whole words checkbox, XTM Cloud only displays projects with the word "all" in their name.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Project ID

Search for projects by entering their exact ID.

You can only search by one ID value at a time.


Text field


Reference ID

Search for projects by entering their entire reference ID or just part of it.

The results can contain the searched-for phrase anywhere in the reference ID and are not case sensitive. To narrow down the results, use the Case sensitive and Match whole words parameters.

You can only search by one value at a time.


Text field


Reference ID

Match empty value

Search for projects without their reference ID.

This parameter is hidden if you have entered any value in the Reference ID text field.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Case sensitive

Displayed if you have entered any value in the Reference ID text field.

Use this setting to specify if the text entered in the Reference ID text field is to be case sensitive or not.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Match whole words

Displayed if you have entered any value in the Reference ID text field.

Use this setting to specify if the text in the searched reference ID should be identical to the text entered in the Reference ID text field or not.

Example 24. Match whole words parameter usage

You have the word "parallel" in one reference ID and the word "all" in another one. If you search for reference IDs containing the word "all", and you:

  • leave the Match whole words checkbox cleared, XTM Cloud displays both projects.

  • select the Match whole words checkbox, XTM Cloud only displays the projects with the word "all" in their reference ID.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).


Search for projects containing source files with the specified name.

You can search for projects with joined files. To do so, use either the name of files before joining or the name of the file after joining.

Example 25. Searching for joined files:


You can only search by one phrase at a time.


Text field



Radio buttons:

  • Broad match

  • Exact match

Displayed if you have entered a value in the Filename text field.

Mandatory if you have entered a value in the Filename text field.

Radio buttons

Valid values for the radio buttons:

  • Broad match.

    If you select this setting, XTM Cloud displays projects with file names containing the specified phrase (it can also be files extension) anywhere in file name. The broad search is not case sensitive.

  • Exact match.

    If you select this setting, XTM Cloud only displays projects with file names that are identical to the specified phrase (including extension). The exact match search is case sensitive.

Show projects with updated due dates

Search for projects in which due dates have been updated. In the Project list tab screen, in the Updates column, they are marked with the calendar icon calendar-solid.svg.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Show projects with updated source files

Search for projects in which source files have been updated. In the Project list tab screen, in the Updates column, they are marked with the files icon clone-regular.svg.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Show projects waiting for acceptance

This parameter relates to the Require acceptance of task/project procedure. For details, see Linguist workflow options.

Search for projects that are still awaiting Linguist and/or LSP acceptance.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Show projects with cancelled jobs

This parameter is only displayed if the REST API has been activated in your XTM Cloud instance.

Search for projects with canceled jobs. In the Project list tab screen, in the Updates column, they are marked with the orange file icon orange-file-x.svg.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).


Search for projects created for all or only specific customer(s).


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

  • All customers.

  • Predefined list of customers available in your XTM Cloud instance.

Project template

Search for projects created with the use of any or only specific project template(s).


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

  • All Project templates.

    If you select this option, XTM Cloud only displays projects created with the use of a project template.

  • Predefined list of project templates available in your XTM Cloud instance.

Project Manager

Search for projects managed by any or only a specific Project Manager.



Valid values:

  • All Project Managers.

  • Predefined list of users with the Project Manager role available in your XTM Cloud instance.

  • Without Project Manager.


Search for projects created by any or only a specific user.



Valid values:

  • All Creators.

  • Predefined list of users who can create projects in your XTM Cloud instance.

Cost approval status

This parameter relates to the Projects require cost approval parameter and is only displayed when that parameter has been enabled by your XTM Cloud Administrator. For details, see Cost settings.

Search for projects with specific cost approval status(es).


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

  • Approved.

  • Costs generated.

  • No costs available.

  • Not required.

  • Outdated.

  • Pending.

  • Rejected.

Project status

Search for projects with a specific status.



Valid values:

  • All projects.

  • Active projects (selected by default).

  • All projects but deactivated.

    This option is only displayed if the REST API has been activated in your XTM Cloud instance.

  • Archived projects.

  • Auto-archived projects.

  • Current projects (Active and Auto-archived).

  • Deactivated projects.

    This option is only displayed if the REST API has been activated in your XTM Cloud instance.

Payment status

Search for projects with a specific payment status.



Valid values:

  • Not required.

  • Paid.

  • Waiting for payment.

PO number

Search for projects with a specific PO number, generated in the Project editor in the Estimates > Costs tab.

Use the entire PO number to search for the relevant project.

You can only search by one string at a time.


Text field


Date created

Search for projects created on the specified date (within the specified range).



Start typing or use the dropdown to select one of the valid values:

  • Today.

  • Custom range.

    If you select this option, an additional text field is displayed. When you select it, two date pickers are displayed. Use them to specify the required date (range).

  • Current week.

  • Previous week.

  • Current month.

  • Previous month.

  • Current quarter.

  • Previous quarter.

  • Current year.

  • Previous year.

  • Current financial quarter.

  • Previous financial quarter.

  • Current financial year.

  • Previous financial year.

Date due

Search for projects due on the specified date (within the specified range).



Start typing or use the dropdown to select one of the valid values:

  • Today.

  • Custom range.

    If you select this option, an additional text field is displayed. When you select it, two date pickers are displayed. Use them to specify the required date (range).

  • Current week.

  • Previous week.

  • Current month.

  • Previous month.

  • Current quarter.

  • Previous quarter.

  • Current year.

  • Previous year.

  • Current financial quarter.

  • Previous financial quarter.

  • Current financial year.

  • Previous financial year.

Date completed

Search for projects completed on the specified date (within the specified range).



Start typing or use the dropdown to select one of the valid values:

  • Today.

  • Custom range.

    If you select this option, an additional text field is displayed. When you select it, two date pickers are displayed. Use them to specify the required date (range).

  • Current week.

  • Previous week.

  • Current month.

  • Previous month.

  • Current quarter.

  • Previous quarter.

  • Current year.

  • Previous year.

  • Current financial quarter.

  • Previous financial quarter.

  • Current financial year.

  • Previous financial year.

Last modified date

Search for projects modified on the specified date (within the specified range).



Start typing or use the dropdown to select one of the valid values:

  • Today.

  • Custom range.

    If you select this option, an additional text field is displayed. When you select it, two date pickers are displayed. Use them to specify the required date (range).

  • Current week.

  • Previous week.

  • Current month.

  • Previous month.

  • Last 3 months.

  • Current quarter.

  • Previous quarter.

  • Current year.

  • Previous year.

  • Current financial quarter.

  • Previous financial quarter.

  • Current financial year.

  • Previous financial year.


Overdue projects

Search for projects which are past their delivery due date.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Overdue steps

Search for projects with steps which are past their due date.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Workflow status

Search for projects with specific current workflow status(es) or active step(s) in their workflow.

When you select any value for the Workflow status parameter, the Match all jobs checkbox is displayed.


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

  • Started.

  • Not started.

  • In progress.

  • Finished.

  • Predefined list of workflow steps created by your XTM Cloud Administrator that have been used in at least one workflow and have Linguist(s) assigned to them. For details, see Creating workflow steps.

Workflow status

Match all jobs

Displayed if you selected any option for the Workflow status parameter.

When you select this parameter, XTM Cloud only displays projects which currently have all of their jobs on the workflow status or step specified in the Workflow status parameter.

Example 26. Using the Match all jobs parameter:

Projects in which all jobs are Finished or all jobs are on the Translate step.



Valid values:

  • Selected.

  • Cleared (default).

Linguists employed

Search for projects with specific Linguist(s) assigned to them.


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

  • All.

  • Predefined list of users with the Linguist role available in your XTM Cloud instance.

Linguists employed

Workflow steps assigned to chosen linguists

Displayed if you selected any option for the Linguists employed parameter.

You can specify the workflow step(s) to which Linguist(s) selected in the Linguists employed parameter have been assigned.


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

  • All.

  • Predefined list of workflow steps created by your XTM Cloud Administrator that have been used in at least one workflow and have Linguist(s) assigned to them. For details, see Creating workflow steps.

Source language

Search for projects with the specified source language(s).


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

Target languages

Search for projects with the specified target language(s).

When you select this parameter, the pencil icon pencil_solid_blue_brand_refreshed.svg becomes active. When you select it, the Target languages filter options popup is displayed.


Multiple selection

Start typing or use the dropdown to select one or more of the valid values:

Target languages

Target languages filter options

Displayed if you have selected the pencil icon pencil_solid_blue_brand_refreshed.svg next to the Target languages parameter.

Use the Find projects with: and Target languages status parameters to specify the target language search criteria.


Popup with:

Radio buttons

Multiple selection

Valid values for the Find projects with: radio buttons:

  • any of the selected target languages (default).

    XTM Cloud displays all projects with any of the selected target languages.

  • all the selected target languages.

    XTM Cloud only displays projects which have all of the selected target languages. The displayed projects can also have additional target languages, which were not specified in the search request.

  • only the selected target languages.

    XTM Cloud only displays projects with exactly the specified target languages. The displayed projects cannot have any additional target languages, only those specified in the search request.

Start typing or use the dropdown to select valid values for the Target languages status multiple selection parameter:

  • Started.

  • Not started.

  • Finished.

  • Not finished.


XTM Cloud displays projects in which any specified target language job has any of the specified statuses.


Search for projects in which LQA has been performed, or not.



Start typing or use the dropdown to select one of the valid values:

  • Not performed.

  • Performed.

Custom fields section parameters

This section is only displayed if custom field parameters have been set for projects by your XTM Cloud Administrator (for details see Custom fields).

If your XTM Cloud Administrator set custom fields, but the parameters in this section are not displayed, select chevron-down_brand_refreshed.svg Custom fields to expand this section.



Valid values depend on the parameter type and the values set by your XTM Cloud Administrator.